Shutter Love Tuesdays ~ Trees

The theme today is trees.  I took some pictures of all the aspens and the different colors and made this.  A friend of ours inspired it and I still love how it turned out.

There are so many things that I want to do… I want to start taking more nature/scenic pictures and sell them, I want to continue to do photography as a profession because I really do love it, I want to do more creative design work… There are so many things that I WANT to do, I just don’t have the TIME to do them all if I want to stay involved in my family.  Maybe one day my life will slow down just a little and I will be able to do everything that I want to do.

If you click on the image you can see it a little bit larger


6 Months

Well, I missed shutter love Tuesday last week, I am skipping it this week too, and this post is coming a little late, but that’s because we have had an eventful past two weeks.

Kylee and I left for Houston on May 6.  A couple people made a comment about how it was Kylee’s first plane ride but she had the pleasure (not so much) of riding on a plane the day she was born.  It was definitely a learning experience traveling with an infant!  The hardest part was trying to carry Kylee and two bags through an airport and try to order yourself food while doing all of the above.  The only down part was Kylee had woken up congested that morning.  Although she never acted like anything was wrong, I started to get worried when Kylee started wheezing when she breathed, so we took her to the doctor.  I was thankful that this is Houston and they have good health care, so we got to see an awesome doctor at a Pediatric Urgent Care.  The doctor spent a lot of time with Kylee and determined that she had bronchiolitis.  So we were sent back to my friends house with a machine for breathing treatments and were forced to push our flight home back three days.

So other than that stressful incident, this month has been smooth sailing!  Kylee is growing like a weed!  She is now 15lb 7oz and 25.5 inches long.  She has mastered sitting up.  The doctor was impressed that she could attempt to pull her foot up into her mouth while sitting.  Right as she turned five months we took away the pacifier.  We were prepared to have some sleepless nights but she acted like she didn’t even miss it.  That was a lot easier than I thought it would be.  Kylee started sucking on her upper lip!  When she does this it will make a smacking sound every once in a while.  She does it so often I swore her lip was going to get chapped but it still hasn’t!

Up until recently, anything Kylee picked up would go straight to her mouth but now she is actually starting to play with toys.  Mostly banging them on things but it’s a start.  And oh is she working on being mobile!  If we put our hands behind her feet for her to push off of, she will scoot all the way across the living room.  I guess we better start baby proofing our house now!  One thing Kylee is doing that is absolutely adorable (I think so anyways) is when she is excited she will throw her arms up in the air.  Of course I never have a camera when she does it , but I want a picture of her doing that so bad!  We can’t leave anything dangerous out anymore either, the little girl reaches for EVERYTHING!  I swear she has go go gadget arms because she always gets what she is reaching for too!

I can’t believe my baby is half a year old!  Our friends have a one month old and it’s just so hard to remember, already, that Kylee was actually that little.  Six months has gone by WAY too fast and I feel like I can’t even blink or I’m going to miss something!

Kylee getting one of her breathing treatments.  This was about the only time she would just sit there while it was going and that didn’t last for long.

Shutter Love Tuesday ~ Strength

Ok, the theme this week is strength but, as you can see, I couldn’t come up with anything creative, so I’m going to post pictures we did this weekend.

Kyle’s brother, Kris, graduated this past Saturday with his teaching degree (congratulations Kris!!) so the family came up and we all went to the graduation ceremony to watch him get handed that fake diploma!  While we were there a lady asked if Kylee and Lexie were twins.  There is actually a four and a half month difference between the two but Lexie is so petite that Kylee is already passing her up.  Lexie still has Kylee beat on height though.  So since we had the cousins together, we went and bought come cute matching/coordinating outfits to do pictures of them together.  Lexie is starting to get mobile already, so she definitely made me work for these two pictures.  The awesome thing that happened is, right after we were done with the pictures, she started to crawl for the first time!!  We were all so excited!  I think we made her crawl for puffs for an hour…

Anyways, here are the two cutest cousins ever!