
So we took Kylee to the doctor on January 19 and confirmed that she is growing so fast!  She is 22.5in long and 10lb 13.5oz.  The doctor was so excited to show me that she is in the 50th percentile in both height and weight.  She’s getting big and so strong!  She can hold her head up on her own now and is a very active baby.

So in my last post I explained how Kylee wouldn’t sleep at night in her bassinet.  While we were at the cabin in Pagosa Springs the weekend of the 15th, Kyle figured out the trick!  Bundle her up tight and snuggle with her.  So we have been doing that and it is working!  We finally got her to sleep in her bed and at first she would only sleep 3 or 4 hours, but now she will go 5 or 6 hours.  We are slowly figuring some things out!  I read that they will sleep even longer if they are not in your room, so the night of the 25th, we put her in her crib and she did go 6 hours!  Hallelujah!  I never thought I would be excited about 6 hours of sleep, but it is SO much better than 3 hours… 🙂  Here she is the next morning tucked away in her bed…

Kylee and I getting ready to go swimming for the first time!

This picture is horribly out of focus but it shows us in the water and that Kylee didn’t hate it!  🙂

Kylee loves to sit in her seat!  She likes to see what is going on.

Kylee doesn’t think she is too young for shoulder rides…

Her first time in the snow at the cabin in Pagosa Springs!  We had to put her in her snowsuit and let her get used to it now, because she will be on a snowboard soon after she learns to walk.  🙂  Ok, so maybe closer to 3 years old

She didn’t like it for very long though…

2 Months Old

The second month has been an adventurous one!  Kylee had her first long road trip to Texas for Christmas, she went swimming for the first time yesterday, and we are still trying to figure out this whole sleeping thing.  The first month she would only sleep in her bouncer, now she has graduated to only sleeping in the swing.  She won’t sleep for more than 2 hours in the bassinet, but she will sleep all night in that swing!  I don’t like her sleeping in it, but it’s so nice actually being able to sleep at night since I have to get stuff done during the day.

She’s getting so big!  We go to the doctor next week so we can find out how much she has grown since her 3 week appointment.  She can hold her head up on her own for quite a while now.  She is still a little shaky but we are getting there.  She discovered her hands, tongue, and voice this month!  She is playing with her hands a lot, she is constantly sticking her tongue in and out of her mouth, and she is talking to us, with her favorite expression being “ga ga ga.”  As you can see in the picture below, she is smiling at us so much now!  We love her so much!

We hope all of your families are doing as wonderful as ours is!