30 Before 30 ~ DIY Fan Makeover

The house that we purchased here in Texas was a foreclosure.  Now don’t get the wrong picture, it’s only 5 years old and it is in such great condition that when we looked at it, we first thought it was a brand new house.  The people before didn’t trash it (if they did the bank fixed it all) but they did take anything of value.  They took the stove, the motors for the garage door openers, the blinds, and even all the ceiling fans.  You know the bank spent as little as possible trying to get it in shape so they put in the $10 lighting fixtures in every room and being this is Houston, we desperately needed ceiling fans.  Kylee’s room was the last priority since, at the time, she was not staying in there.

My aunt took down an old ceiling fan from their house and asked if we wanted it.  We had spent a lot on the house already, so I’m sure as heck going to take something for free!  She took it out for a reason; it’s an old ugly plain white fan with GOLD accents and I HATE gold.  So I decided it’s going in Kylee’s room, why not make a project out of it!!!!  Heck, it was free, I have nothing to lose.

This was the fan when we received it, boring and outdated.  So my first task was to disassemble it and get rid of all the gold.  I took everything that was gold and applied 2 coats of Rustoleum hammered bronze.  I loved the hammered look and it really did turn out as good as it looks on the cap of the can.

The next thing I did was paint colored polka dots onto the fan blades that coordinate with the colors that I did in Kylee’s room.  I’m a perfectionist, so I used the spray paint can as a stencil for the circles and I carefully measured out where they went to make sure every fan was the same.

After that all I had to do was reassemble the fan.  Now the thing that I am most proud of is that Kyle didn’t help me with any of it!!  I took it all apart and put it all back together all by myself; the only thing he did was hang the fan in the room.

And here is the finished product hanging in Kylee’s new room, which she does spend a lot of time in now.

20 Months

New This Month:

Molar and 2 bottom front teeth came in
Kicks when floating to “swim” to someone
Sometimes signs “thank you” without being told to
Wants mama to kiss booboos
Crosses fingers on left hand
FINALLY sleeps all night in her own room
Covers owies with her hand and says ouch
New words (kisses, ouch, mine)
Loves to put on our flip flops and walk in them
Puts right hand up in an L shape for “loser” (thanks to my dad)

For a little over a week, we didn’t have any sunshine, just rain.  So what better time to do playing in the rain pictures?