Balloon Fiesta

This year we had the opportunity to go to the 40th annual Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque.  We had never been but you always hear how good it is.  Good doesn’t do it justice, it is AWESOME!  There are HUNDREDS of balloons that go up and while they are inflating you are just surrounded by them.  It’s an experience that’s hard to describe but it is DEFINITELY worth it.

Saturday we went to the evening festivities that included the balloon glow and a huge fireworks display.  The balloon glow was neat, the first picture is of that.  Sunday morning we woke up at 4am to catch the bus for the dawn patrol.  That was even more cool!  There weren’t as many balloons for this as at night but these ones went up in the air and they would all light up at the same time or flicker at the same time.  Then came the massive balloon ascension where all the balloons lined up, inflated, and took off.  That was my favorite part and Kylee enjoyed looking at all the commotion and colors.  There were so many fun shaped balloons and I didn’t want to post 50 pictures, so there are a few below.

I had to laugh because if you walked around the Spiderpig balloon for a few minutes, you heard several people singing “Spiderpig, Spiderpig, does whatever a Spiderpig does.”  I admit, I sang it myself too.  🙂